Irrigation and Water Resource 1) Hydrology: 1. Coefficient of variation: Cv = (100 * standard deviation)/mean. 2. Average echo power: Pr = (CZ)/r2. 3. Radar echo factor: Z = aIb. 4. Intensity of rainfall: I = [r2Pr / (aC]1/b. 5. Average depth of precipitation over an area: Arithmetic Mean Method: Theissen Polygon Method: Isohyetal Method: Average depth of rainfall = (1/A) ∑ [Area between two adjacent isohyets] * [mean of the two adjacent isohyet values]. 6. Optimal number of rain gauge stations: N = (Cv/ε)2. 7. Standard deviation: 8. Missing annual precipitation: Px= (1/M) (P1 + P2 +-------+ Pm). 9. Correction for precipitation values at station x and beyond the period of change: Pcx= Px( Sc/ Sa. 10. Average cumulative depth of rainfall: 11. Actual rate of infiltration at any time: f = fc when, i ≥ fc. f = i when, i < fc. 12. Runoff by Barlow: R = Kb P. 13. Runoff by Strange: R = Ks P. 14. Runoff by Inglis and De Souza for Wes...